I can't quite get my mind around the fact that we are now in the middle of November. I've seen so many Christmas trees up already and I cant help think to myself "It's too early for this!". But yet I'm already thinking of possible New Years Resolutions. Is it too early for that?
The term "New Years Resolutions" seems to have a negative stigma attached to it and I often hear people say "I don't bother anymore, I don't stick to them". I'm guilty of this myself, but thinking back over the past year, I've actually stuck and completed a couple of mine. One being to travel more. I'm not quite at traveling to other countries yet (although I finally have my first ever passport at the ripe age of 27! Another resolution crossed off), but I've definitely left my comfort zone and driven around more to places to go on mini adventures and experienced new things!
This is something I want to continue in my 2018 Goals. I'm no longer going by the term New Years Resolutions, I'm rebranding it! Just this small shift in name, I feel more positive that I'll achieve what I what in the new year. I feel that your mind set has a lot to do with how you see things and the knock on effect it has on achieving those goals. So I'm putting on my positive cap on and I aim to smash 2018, and I encourage you to do the same!
I also want to emphasis the fact that you have a full 12 months to achieve these goals! So many people start bang on January 1st and within a couple of weeks, they stop because they don't see immediate results and feel disheartened in what ever it is they're trying to achieve. Be Persistent and Productive and you will get to where you want to be. Everyday that you work towards your goals, is a day closer to achieving them.
With this in mind and a little over a month left of 2017, I have some End of Year Resolutions. This being I have a few jobs I want to get done in the next few weeks so that I can start 2018 with a clean slate. At the top of my list is to declutter the whole house. I've started, but I'm a way off from finishing. So many toys to sift through! But my biggest nemesis at the moment is my spare room. It's like Monica's junk cupboard in Friends. The rest of my house is decently clean and clutter free, but that room is where everything goes to collect dust and die. It's been that way ever since I moved in 5 years ago. Hopefully it'll be an office space once I'm done. But once it is done, I'll be Happy!
Do you have any End of Year Goals or have you set new/existing goals for 2018? Comment below if you do, I'd love to hear from you!