Chapter 1 of 2018 is done! I'm taking this time to reflect on what has happened in the past month and what I hope to achieve in February, AKA Chapter 2!
It's important to have these moments to truly appreciate what has come across your path, the obstacles you've faced, the good and the bad. It's a time to be grateful of even the smallest wins the past month has brought you, even if it was just getting out of bed.

The past month for me has been better than I could have hopped. I've achieved so much more, despite the obstacles thrown in my way (ahem... yes you my dear oven who decided to no longer work, I'm looking at you!). Since deciding I was going to be pro-active instead of sitting back, watching life pass me by being a secondary character in my own life, I feel like I'm actually achieving and living!
I've adopted habits to make life easier and I plan with my bullet journal to get the best I can out of my days! I've mentioned in a previous post the ways I'm able to become more productive by preparation. I've been using my journal daily and constantly looking at my goals and trying to put together a plan of action on how I'm going to achieve them!
I do however have a tendency to maybe over-goal... that's to say I have so much I want and to do, that I want it done yesterday. Is this a bad thing? I like to think not, because its a chance for me to see how much I could actually get done. You gotta challenge your limits!
Out of 9 goals I had set to achieve in January, I got 5 completed and 3 semi-done and 1 that didn't come to fruition, yet. However, I did also manage to get a few more things done that weren't even on this list. I made a vision board, ordered a brand new cooker, and read a book (my aim is to read 1 book a month minimum!). All of which are added bonuses!
Through the month, unforeseeable circumstances happen (ahem, yes you, oven) and they challenge you to think on your feet and you're forced to re-prioritise your goals and what can be done. It's one of life's little quirks to see how you can handle things, cause lets face it, life ain't all unicorns and rainbows. It likes to throw a few curve balls. But it's a chance to show life you're not going to be knocked down so easily.
Throughout all of January I've managed to track my habits, how much water I'm drinking and how much sleep I'm getting, all through my Bullet Journal. It allows me to see where I'm lacking and what can improve in certain aspects of my life, and it's fair to say that I'm not yet consistent with everything. However these are the things I can work on! Morning routine being one of them! I've only checked this part off twice in the whole 31 day month... I'll get on that! Also my water intake and sleep patterns are very up and down!

No matter how non-consistent the trackers or habits might be, this for me is now a guide, a starting point from which I can improve and hopefully over the months I'll be able to work on becoming more consistent, all whilst still achieving the goals!
I don't think there will be an end to what I want to achieve. I'm fully committed to progressing and growing as a person, to better myself ad my wellbeing. To push myself more than I ever have in the past.
This is just the starting point of my journey, I cant wait to see where this path might lead me and where I might find myself a year from now!
February... I'm ready!