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Writer's pictureCeri Hughes

It's that time!

So we have reached the month of April! Despite the winter like weather roaming around, I'm rather excited because I told myself that every 3 months, I would reflect back on my vision board to see what I have accomplished since the beginning of the year, and what I can change about and add!

It's the first time that I had ever done a vision board, but I can definitely say that it has been a key tool in helping me reach my goals!

So this is how the first vision board looked like:

A few quotations, pictures representing what I want/ want to attract into my life.

The cooker and the passport I can actually bow down to as I physically have these right now! The cooker arrived to me on valentines day (a gift from me to me) so I was able to cook myself up something decent after having no oven for a month! You really don't realise how much you use something until you don't have it. I didn't think I could miss garlic bread so much!

The passport however, oh my word, there's a story behind getting this passport! I'd been trying to get Jodie her own passport for the past year! But there was always something that went wrong. I had been to the counter in the post office to do the check and send multiple times and every time there was something wrong with the application or the photo so in the end I left it as I just got too frustrated at it all. Like why wasn't I told of everything that was wrong with it the first time?! And why was it so much more hassle than it needed to be?!

Anyway fast forward to this year and I took the plunge to fill out a new application, with all the errors in mind from the last time, new pictures were taken, I went on over to that counter once again and proceeded with the check and send. Those 10 minutes of just waiting whilst the clerk checked everything over were the longest and I'm sure the longest time I've held my breath for. I prayed nothing was wrong, fingers crossed under the counter and looking over at Jodie warily, smiling, hoping for the best. Until the clerk told me those glorious words that I'd been wanting to hear for what seemed like forever! Everything was fine! I've never been so happy as to give someone my money in my life! I was beaming that it was finally done!

Within a few days I had a text to say that the passport should be with me in a couple of weeks! A day later I got a text saying it would be with me in a few days! On this day though, we had our first snow in about 5 years in early February. I took this as a sign!

On my board I have 2 pictures of Santa's Village in Rovaniemi, Finland (otherwise known as Lapland). One of my goals is to go to Lapland this year, and with the snow falling on the day I received the text to say that Jodie's passport was coming, you can bet your ass I was so hyped up! Things are happening!

Not only that but I actually got in contact with a travel agency that specialises in the Santa Trips in Lapland and booked our trip to that very same destination!

I will be meeting Santa this Christmas with Jodie, sledging with the huskies and reindeer whilst crossing the artic circle! I can not even describe how excited I am and how hard it is not to tell Jodie! Its her Christmas surprise!

And this is why a Vision Board is such an amazing tool! You see it everyday and it serves as a reminder of what it is you are striving for! And it's working for me!

So fast forward to the now, I've changed up my vision board a bit. Most of the original pictures are still on there but I've added a few more, but also split things up into long term goals and short term goals.

So this is the revised vision board! The long term goals are on the left, and short term are on the right. The centre however is all focused on my blog and growing my platforms. The office picture in the middle (of both boards) represent the office space I hope to create in my spare room once I've cleared it out.

I realised over the past 3 months that my original goal of eating healthier and wanting healthier and radiant skin wasn't going to be a quick fix and its going to be more of a lifestyle change which will take as long it takes (self discipline included) hence why I made a long term goal section. And the trip to Lapland isn't until the end of the year, which I am also still paying off.

Short term however, I've so many ideas I want to start on, like projects to keep me busy in the coming weeks. I want to redecorate my room, spring clean the hell out of my house, clear the space for my future office, and tidy up my gardens, and read more books!

You might have also noticed the money figure I have pinned under an affirmation. There's nothing wrong with wanting to attract more money into your life and you can totally put it up. Over the past few months £5000 has been my magic number that I hope to attract into my life short term. Fingers crossed eh!

Not to mention, in a couple of weeks it will be my birthday and I will be entering my final year of my 20's! This is when I plan to make a bucket list (the skydiving picture)! 30 things to do before hitting 30! And yes I will be posting about this as soon as I have listed it all out! (I'm actually excited just thinking about it!)

So that's all for this post really! Just remember, if you have a goal you want to achieve, don't wait till Monday or the first of the month to get it started, if you have that urge within you, start taking action towards it now. If you're struggling with a New Years goal you set out, keep at it, you have a full 12 months to achieve your goals! Whether it's long term or short term, take that first step and plan out the logistics behind your goals because you'll already be a step ahead than where you were!

A little progress every day adds up to big results!

If you'd like me to write a post on how to create a vision board, let me know in the comments and I'd love to help you out with your very own project!

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