1. I know I've mentioned it before, but it's worth saying again! Having time off work. But this time It was more than an extra day. It was 4 days over the weekend! If you work or have worked in the hospitality industry, you know that getting a weekend off means more to you than the average joe and its almost like looking forward to Christmas!
2. A few weeks ago I was watching a YouTube video by Erin May Henry (go check her out, she's amazing and has so much advise on how to grow your online business and so much more) and at the end of this particular video she was doing a small give away. All you had to do was write in the comments about what you are most grateful for in life. I wrote my comment and thought nothing more about it. The following week as I was getting ready for work one morning and I was watching her latest video. At the end she called out the names of the winners and I happened to be one of them! I was so happy as I don't ever win in these giveaways! The crazy thing was though, that I found out I won the day after I published my Blog. I like to think of it as a way the universe is rewarding me for taking the plunge and putting myself out there! The prize? It's a small Gratitude log from Kikki.K and a personal letter from Erin herself!
3. Fat Friday Family Time! Its been a while since we had a proper fat Friday in my house. By fat Friday I mean a takeout and munchies for our weekly treat. After work I made a trip to the shops and got some munchies for Jodie and I and on the way Home picked up a Chinese. My dad had also come over for a panad and a quick catch up. We then decided it was time to put the Christmas tree up as we had put it off due to being uncertain of how Olaf would be with it. To end the night we watched a film whilst eating our munchies and both Jodie and Olaf fell asleep on me. Nowhere else I'd rather be than right there in that moment!
4. Finally getting round to doing my Christmas tasks! This includes putting the tree up, crossing off my to buy list and starting the wrapping. Although I'm not quite finished, It feels good to know I'm almost done with everything I need to do so I can spend the rest of December in high festive spirits with as little stress as possible!
5. Finding out that the Live action remake of Mulan is starting production soon! I'm not much of a movie person and I'm not a disneyholic, but I do love Mulan! It's one of my favourite childhood films. I'd heard months ago about a remake in the works but this week I found out about some of the casting line up which makes it all the more real! This is one film I am so excited to see and will be first in line to watch at the cinema!