We all stress, but some manage it better than others. Some people deal with problems with a positive mindset and manage to overcome the obstacle in no time, whilst others stress about stress before there is even stress to stress about. Where ever you are on the stress scale, one thing is for sure, and that is you need a way to manage/ deal with the stress.
Below I've listed some healthy tips that I incorporate in my life for those times that get overwhelming that hopefully will be beneficial to you too!
Tip 1: Time out
We all crave that alone time every once in a while but if you're feeling particularly stressed, make it a priority and find a space where you can be alone to chill (so to speak).
Sometimes just getting through your front door and sitting down for 5 minutes after a long day at work is enough for you to unwind. But if you're feeling more overwhelmed by a situation and feeling either anxious, angry or defeated, then maybe a Pity Party* is in order. A Pity Party, is one man party where you take some time to be alone and to work through your feelings. Whether you're just talking to yourself to self analyse and externalise your thoughts, or to just have a much needed cry. This time alone can be useful when done right as the last thing you want to do is bottle everything up and end up exploding at someone who is just unfortunate to be in your path at the time.
Besides, You know it makes sense, how many times have you felt better after a good ol' cry in the past. You might feel stupid afterwards, but your able to laugh about it almost instantly, but sometimes a cry is all you need to feel better.
On occasions, when I get through the front door I will head straight up to my room to lie down for a few minutes just to compose myself before I get on with the rest of the evening. I just need that peace for a moment to not be walking and to not be nagged at for a while once I've finished work. You know what I mean?
Tip 2: Get Active

That's right, get up and get moving! Experiment with different workouts to see which you enjoy the most. It's all down to personal preference at the end of the day, whether is a quick 15 minute HIIT session, following a workout routine on youtube/ Instagram, going for a run/walk, going to the gym, or taking up a Pilates class.
It's a tried and tested method, the world over, that exercise can improve your mood and is a great way to get all your frustrations right.
I'm not saying you need to start a strict workout routine, but just find what works best for you and your lifestyle. It can even be as simple as a nice deep breath of fresh air to let go of any tension. Step Outside, whether its your back garden or front doorstep, taking time to just be and breathe through your thoughts.
If you have more than 5 minutes you can go for a walk around the surrounding neighbourhood or to the local nature trail. Its amazing how far you walk when you work through your thoughts.
Lately I've been doing quick 10 minute yoga sessions I follow on YouTube before bed. You could do this anytime of day really but I find before bed, it really winds me down and I'm almost sleeping by the time its done. And not just strained eyes, cant settle tired, but mind quiet and body relaxed sleepy (there is totally a difference between tired and sleepy).

Tip 3: Write it down
Another way to de-stress and to let go of any negative thoughts is to journal. Not quite a 'Dear Diary', but a journal where you can write down your thoughts and feelings. This is a good way of keeping track of your mood/feelings, and to look back on in the future.
If You're not much of a writer you can always just do a quick Brain dump to exorcize your thoughts out of your mind and onto paper instead. That way you have externalised your thoughts and you can choose on how to deal with them at a later time.
I've written a post all about how to brain dump you can read here.
Tip 4: Relax
Of course I couldn't go on about how to de-stress without mentioning the good ol' bubble bath pamper night! Who doesn't love a good bubble bath with a side of candles and wine? It's a classic way to wind down and de-stress at the end of a day, taking time to care for yourself.
Taking time out to focus on yourself is something we could all do more often. After all you can't pour from an empty cup.
There are other ways to look after ones self. If you have the time and money you can always get yourself a beauty treatment or treat yourself to those shoes you've been wanting for the past month.
However it doesn't always have to be expensive, you can relax . As well as starting to do yoga at night, I've started to read up and practising meditation. At first I didn't know where to start, but I found a short book on Amazon called Hurry Up and Chill all about meditation for beginners. Through the book it explains about the benefits but also gets you to practise the different techniques of meditation and finding the one that suits you best. It's simple and straight to the point which makes it a quick and easy read!
There are so many ways you can de-stress, but these are the main healthy tips I go by in my life, depending on the situation at the time. I'd love to know what you do to de-stress! Do you have a hobby that you get lost in? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!
* Credits to A Happy Mind for this term. You can follow A Happy Mind on Facebook and on Instagram and also listen to the Podcasts on Sound Cloud (also available on iTunes) where she talks more in depth about Pity Party in episode 5, although I suggest listening to them all as she has great advice in general and her happiness is so infectious!