I won't lie when I say I'm a bit behind as the Spring Equinox marking the first day of spring was a couple of weeks ago, but I am feeling the need to clean, which is very unlike me. Not just the casual everyday clean but the Spring Clean kinda clean. Time to declutter and revamp the house, change up the energy flow to give it a boost of the positive vibes for a happier life! There's nothing worse than coming home to a stagnant vibe that just kills your mojo and drains you.
I want my house to be uplifted and to reflect me and my family! I want to detox my home of everything that does not serves us, let go of the unnecessary to make room for the necessary. At the end of the day the space around you is a reflection of what's going on inside you and vice versa.
How many times have you come home when your mood has been amazing, you walk into your house and you're greeted by a mess in the living room, dishes you forgot to wash from the night before, and that amazing energy you were carrying gets left at the door. You walk around and your mood is rapidly depleting. Sound Familiar? If so, I suggest its time to spring clean my friend!
You could do this in a number of ways, spend the whole day doing your home from top to bottom (maybe a week depending on the size of your house) or you can chose to break this down into bite size pieces that's easier to manage. You could either do 1 room a day or a section of a room a day.
I have a post on when I decluttered my kitchen in the autumn and how I spent just 15 minutes a day decluttering 1 cupboard a day, sorting through piles of rubbish and getting rid of unnecessary items. This has honestly made things a lot easier to clean and I'm trying to declutter as often as I can!
If you need help with what to do in each room of your home I have made a simple spring clean checklist you can print off here. It covers the 4 main living spaces in a house and where to clean and declutter from each room. I know not everyone has a dining room or an office space in their home so I didn't include these.
If you're interested in a deep clean checklist for each room, let me know in the comments below so I know who would benefit from this! Thanks for reading!