So at the time of writing this, there is only 6 weeks until 2018 Ends.
6 weeks.
I'm guessing most people by now are in full swing of buying Christmas presents for their loved ones. And as the coming weeks roll by, stress levels will be mounting over having the "perfect" Christmas, making sure They've bought everything for the Christmas dinner, that there's enough snacks for the evening and possibly setting out the party food! And above all else, that everyone is happy and that there is no drama.
But at this time of the year, it's so important to make sure you make plenty of time for yourself so you can detach from the real world, if only for a moment.
Think back to the goals you set yourself at the beginning of 2018? How did you do? did you complete them all? Or did you fall off the wagon and not get back on?
It doesn't matter, because you still have 6 weeks left to complete your goals. No matter how big or small... well I tell a lie, if they're pretty big Now is an ideal time to lay the ground work of said plan and to push through into 2019 with so you start the new year with that energy and focus!
There is no right way or wrong way to be achieving your goals, As long as you take the first step and start, you're already miles ahead than what you were yesterday.
A brief re cap on one of my goals for 2018. One of them was to read 1 book a month, so by the end of the year I will have read 12 books in theory. my count so far : 8
It was a really slow start for me as I had to force myself to read, but I'd bought 2 books ready so I could start in January. Sure life happens and I've not read as much as I've wanted, but I've read more than I would have if I hadn't set the goal. And as of late I've actually enjoyed reading and sometimes crave it. I've even started to read whilst eating my breakfast so I can get a few pages in every morning. I'll let you know the final count at the end of the year to see how I progress, I'm hoping to have read 10. Close enough!
My point is, you can start up those goals you didn't quite get to in January. You can set a new goal to achieve by the end of the year. You Can! And I know you can achieve it all despite anything. Even if you just find 15 minutes a day to practise your drawing skills, to write a paragraph in the book you've always want to write, to start that blog you've been pondering about, or even start journaling. Everyone starts at baby steps.
Maybe now is the perfect time to set the foundations for what you aim to smash in 2019. Plan it all out, have a game plan in place so when the bell rings on midnight to ring in the new year, you're already miles ahead of the game and closer to achieving your goals, and in effect could postpone those mid January blues.
So between Now and the end of the year, I want you to do 3 things:
Have a game plan to reach your 2018 goals by December 31st (if possible)
Start thinking of what you want to achieve in 2019. Remember you have 12 months in a year to achieve your dream (or to lay down the beginnings for a better rest of your life)21fdsa
Start setting a game plan on how you will achieve those goals in 2019. What can you do now to help yourself later?!
Take this time now to re-motivate yourself and find a new zest for your goals and dreams! Take control of what you want and go get what you deserve in life because you absolutely 100% deserve that happiness in your life, what ever that may be!
I do apologise if I seemed to go round in circles explaining this, but I really hope this helps you as I want nothing more than to see you succeed in all your endeavours! Let me know what you'd love to achieve in the coming year in the comments!
Love life and stay beautiful!